Testing the Super Soco Wanderer Electric Motorcycle

super soco wanderer

It was at the beginning of May 2024 that I took possession of the Super Soco Wanderer electric motorcycle thanks to Dallaire Equipment Saint-Bruno, in Lac-Saint-Jean. I had never heard of this product and I am pleased to present it to you here. I will talk to you about its performance and autonomy, as well as the pleasure of riding it, its manoeuvrability, and its braking.

What driver’s licence is required to ride a Super Soco Wanderer?

Given the appearance of the Super Soco Wanderer, one might think that it requires a class 6A motorcycle licence, but this is not the case. This vehicle is sold in the moped category. In fact, a young person with this class can ride it, in addition to those who have a class 5 licence (passenger vehicles).

The Vehicle’s Finish

Regarding the finish of the Super Soco Wanderer, it seems to be of good quality and look very good. As I mentioned, the overall look of the motorcycle resembles a standard motorcycle in every way. At first glance, one would not think it is an electric motorcycle, let alone a scooter.

super soco wanderer

Riding position and seat comfort

I loved the riding position. The seat is quite comfortable, well padded, and has two places. Its leather seems to be of good quality.

Riding Pleasure, Manoeuvrability, and Agility

The motorcycle is really enjoyable to ride, and it’s special to ride in silence. It’s actually quite relaxing. The Super Soco Wanderer is very agile, maneuverable, and very light. Unfortunately, I was left wanting more every time I had to return for a battery recharge. I will discuss this point further.


Performance and Top Speed

The performance of the Super Soco Wanderer is acceptable for a motorcycle of this kind. One would expect more if it were in another category. The top speed I was able to reach was around 75 km/h. When the battery is full, this speed is reached fairly quickly.

super soco wanderer


The suspension is adequate. I would describe it as semi-firm. I don’t expect more for a motorcycle of this kind, especially at the price it sells for.

Braking System

The braking system is located on both handlebars. Indeed, there is no foot brake pedal on the right like on a normal motorcycle. The braking is very effective and is regenerative for the battery. But to what extent it recharges, I have no idea.

Weight, Dimensions, and Capacity

The weight of the Super Soco Wanderer is 186 pounds by itself. You need to add the battery weight of 30 pounds for one. So, you need to account for 60 pounds if you decide to add a second one for more range. I strongly recommend it, and the compartment is designed to accommodate the second one.

The total length of the vehicle is 80 inches, and the seat height is 29 inches. This is comparable to some motorcycles. The maximum load is 350 pounds.

Three Driving Modes

The three driving modes of the Super Soco Wanderer allow us to select the speed range we want and to save our battery usage in situations where higher speeds are not needed. We can reach around 75 km/h in “sport” mode, 60–62 km/h in “normal” mode (2), and 45 km/h in “Eco” mode (1).

It should be noted that when the battery reaches 20%, the full power of the motorcycle is no longer available. It then switches to mode 2. Similarly, it switches to mode 1 when the battery reaches 10%. This should be anticipated before entering a traffic zone that moves at 70 km/h.

Autonomy and Charging Time

It seems that the Super Soco Wanderer offers range that varies depending on driving speed, akin to how fuel consumption varies with speed in gasoline vehicles. However, a range of about 30 km in mode 3 may be limited for some trips. The 6.5-hour recharge time when the battery is empty may also seem lengthy, especially for long distances.

A fast-charging option could indeed be beneficial for drivers needing quick charge to extend their journey. Electric car superchargers have proven useful in this regard, offering rapid charging to get drivers back on the road swiftly. However, the fact that the Super Soco Wanderer uses a different charging plug than electric car charging stations poses a challenge for implementing this option.

The 8% recharge in 30 minutes with the included charger may seem insufficient for those needing a quick charge. Improving the charger’s efficiency could be considered to reduce the necessary recharge time.

Security and Anti-Theft

Regarding safety, the anti-theft system with alarm appears to be a useful feature to deter theft. Using the remote to activate both the alarm and the bike itself adds an extra layer of protection.


super soco wanderer

In conclusion, I must say that the Super Soco Wanderer has truly surprised me. However, it’s important to keep in mind that this vehicle is part of the scooter range. I find it to be a good compromise between a bicycle and a gasoline scooter. If you’re looking to commute to school or work and can charge it, it’s perfect. It’s great for urban use. But if you’re considering buying it for leisurely rides and covering long distances like a standard motorcycle, it’s not suitable at the moment. Hopefully, the future will bring us more range.

For pricing and further information, contact the Dallaire equipment Saint-Bruno dealership or, even better, pay them a visit!

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